NextPreviousHomeBT-show thumbnails don't appear in my Win10 system

ernietamminga | 6 years ago | 4 comments | 987 views

I notice in the BT Tutorials, for example how to use templates, when he goes to open a Show, there's a thumbnail displayed for each show. Very useful. But on my Windows10 system, when I go to Open a show, only the BT default logo appears (repeatedly), along with the title of each show. I've tried View-by icons, content, tiles, etc. but the only effect is to change the way the default logo is displayed.
Is there a way I can get the thumbnails to show?

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Go to settings/options and UNmark: Use standard Windows file dialog.

Also the thumnail is made at the point in the timeline when you save a show.

komies, 6 years ago

Thank you. I had assumed it was something in Windows as opposed to in BT. Got it now...

ernietamminga, 6 years ago

Is here a way to generate thumbnails without opening and then saving each BT file?

lightads, 2 years ago

Lightads, not in the current version. Thank you for your request!

A batch function that generates thumbnails for a specific folder and its subfolders will be a challenge for shows that have boring parts, like for example ones that start with a blank screen. The system must be smart enough to pick a position that is more representative. Picking the best screenshot is something humans are better at than machines.

michiel, 2 years ago

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