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Filip | 6 years ago | 4 comments | 1.5K views

@Michiel is it possible to create an text effect for choosing an individual character (e.g. row 1 character 5) and give this character another position, size, rotation, flexibility ......

This would be awesome

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You could use the 2 sliders of the WRITER property to render only a single character.

But why not use a text layer for every character? With a bit of keyframing you can do everything you want!

michiel, 6 years ago

Michiel it's an effect to use with the puzzle font of Rorysee. In this way you can create the effects that Vincent created with the .eps puzzle parts. And who knows what other possibilities it creates????

Filip, 6 years ago

Yes it would be nice to Isolate an individual piece of text . as michael pointed out using writer will isolate an piece the issue is how do you get the negative of that = all the other pieces are included just the one excluded ? I will play around with this to see how we can work with this

Rorysee, 6 years ago

With the WRITER prop you can select a range of characters. To negate this, use 2 text layers and 2 ranges: all before and all after.

michiel, 6 years ago

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