Jeep35 | 6 years ago | 10 comments | 8 likes | 1.4K views
chaver, persiana, PAT67 and 5 others like this!
Here is one of my latest font creation made from a software that unfortunately no longer exists but BT IS there to sublimate it !!!
Jeep, what is the software you are using?
SMSgtRod, 6 years ago
This software is no longer available. It was when we bought the fonts but fonts are no longer on sale !
I'm praying every morning not to crash my hard disk where the software is installed !!!
Jeep35, 6 years ago
We should normally be able to do the same with BT with several layers but I'm a few lazy.
Jeep35, 6 years ago
It's not really a software it was a free utility made especially to work on fonts that were sold by the company
It's no longer available as is. The company has changed is way of selling its products so we can't have the same way of working on fonts. Fortunately I have still the utility and a lot of fonts to work on.
Jeep35, 6 years ago
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