NextPreviousHomeCopier Coller dans Blufftitler

PAT67 | 7 years ago | 4 comments | 1.4K views

il y a quelques semaines dans post était décrit le raccourci clavier
qui permet de copier un calque d'un montage Blufftitler
vers un autre montage Blufftitler
j'ai beau chercher sur ce forum je ne le trouve plus.
j'ai utilisé CTRL + M mais sans résultat
Merci pour votre aide

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You mean this explanation in the link?

Yes with CTRL + M you can Merge two shows.
It works best when you prepare the to be imported show by deleting all the layer you don't need, even light and camera as last off course, also wise when moving more that 1 layer is to put all layers in a container before merging and save it as a new show.

Good luck and have fun,

komies, 7 years ago

Merci Komies je viens de faire un essai maintenant ça marche

PAT67, 7 years ago

If you're not interested in the key frame animation you can save the current key as a preset by choosing PRESET > SAVE PRESET AS...

Some layers, like the plasma and particle layers, show the preset dialog when you create a new layer. For others you have to choose PRESET > LOAD PRESET... after creating a new layer.

michiel, 7 years ago

Merci Michiel pour toutes ces informations

PAT67, 7 years ago

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