NextPreviousHomeThe UVMap effect is very interesting.

PAT67 | 4 years ago | 6 comments | 5 likes | 905 views

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Il m'est plusieurs fois arrivé d'acheter des modèles 3D sans que les textures ne soient livrées
alors que j'étais persuadé du contraire.
Avec le nouvel effet UVMap intégré dans la nouvelle version BLUFFTITLER
on peut pallier cet inconvénient.

Merci Michiel

The UVMap effect is very interesting.

It happened several times to me to buy 3D models without the textures being delivered
while I was convinced of the contrary.
With the new UVMap effect integrated in the new BLUFFTITLER version
this drawback can be overcome.

Thanks Michiel

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En effet, cet effet fait de l'Effet !!!! ???
Trêve de plaisanterie, c'est un effet qui simplifie la vie.
Bonne remarque merci Patrick.

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

Yes, the System\UVMap effect can be very useful. It was a revelation when we realized it was possible to create an effect that extracts the texture from a model.

For those of you who wonder what this is all about, the installer comes with a demo:

Choose MEDIA > Change model... to load another model.

michiel, 4 years ago

En effet ça a l'air très interessant.

vincent, 4 years ago

Hi, I was looking for the but without success. Is it just in the Ultimate version?

ebalint, 4 years ago

ebalint, it's in the upgrade.

PiPPi, 4 years ago

PiPPi, the UV coordinates (or texture coordinates) in the model file determine which part of the texture is mapped onto which part of the 3D model.

It has nothing to do with the .X format or the .OBJ format, it works exactly the same for all 3D model formats.

You need a 3D modelling app like Maya, Blender or 3ds Max to edit the UV coordinates.

I believe Accutrans is only a converter, you can't edit models in Accutrans.

michiel, 4 years ago

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