Sma | 7 years ago | 11 comments | 1.4K views
I want to create some shapes by BluffTitler
But I see some things that delay the completion of work quickly??. Is there a solution and I do not know or wait for the upcoming updates.?
I built it with transparency but when I use it with colored or white backgrounds appear some small problems ...
Sma, 7 years ago
Shapes like this can be created with the picture layer using the STAR style and the STAR property
(1st dropdown).
What is the "small problem"?
michiel, 7 years ago
The small problem that appears is: the appearance of characters that are black in color when extracting the image with transparency.?
Sma, 7 years ago
Do it the other way round: add white at the outside instead of adding black at the inside.
michiel, 7 years ago
With the Picture/Chromakey effect you can make all black (or any other colour) transparent. Draw your shape in a colourmap layer, apply the Picture\ChromaKey effect to the picture layer that is rendering this colourmap and set the FX CHORMA COLOUR to black.
I do not recommend this. It's much easier to draw everything in white. This also gives you a better quality output.
michiel, 7 years ago
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