Sma | 7 years ago | 9 comments | 4 likes | 1.6K views
Tintin, vincent, Ulli and 1 other like this!
I lost the previous video template, after 6 hours of work I was able to create a new one and all this was done by blufftitler 100% too...
The download link will be available at the bottom soon and the template will be free....
Depends on the way you lost your work but if it is using BluffTitler (ie: with a wrong SAVE command) maybe you can find a previous versions of the show in this folder :
[Disk letter]:\Users\[Windows session USER NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Outerspace Software\BluffTitler\Undo
vincent, 7 years ago
☺Thank you also for the previous advice Unfortunately the templates were lost due to (Virus made me forced to format computer)?
Sma, 7 years ago
Note::::uploaded files do not contain a password and the templates are 100% created by blufftitler .... I hope you enjoy your time ...
Sma, 7 years ago
???(Michiel)Thank you for your presence, yes, this also contributes to refining the skill and developing it and speeding up the implementation of projects .....
Sma, 7 years ago
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