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MrGruntHunter | 7 years ago | 1 comment | 1.3K views

Michiel, I've copied and pasted our conversation here in the forum so others that may have the same question can learn along with me as well.

Michiel, In my process of trying to learn things about BT I have
been working on a little show/template of a newspaper with editable
headline text etc. I would like to upload it to the community forum
and make it available for anyone interested but I'm not sure what the
proper way to do it is. It has several text layers and to picture
layers but when I try and send it to someone the picture layers don't
seem to stay attached. I've tried the "Save File + All Media Files" option but that doesn't seem to help.
Although I haven't seen a downloadable template posted in the forum
in over a year now what I do see are downloadable rendered files but
I'm not sure where they are being downloaded from. I've been using
your BixPacks and other's shows for quite a while now and have been
wanting to be able to contribute myself to help other new users learn as well.

Hi Mike,
Best way is to:
1) create a new temporary folder
2) save your show to this folder using "Save File + All Media Files"
3) ZIP this folder
4) delete the temporary folder
5) upload the Zip file
No problem at all to post questions like this in the community. That
way other users can learn from it as well!

I've tried that but it doesn't save the two picture files and the audio file. I thought that's what the "+ ALL Media Files" was supposed to do. I'm sure I can make a copy of those files and add them to that TEMP folder. I don't own WinZip so I'm going to have to find some software to ZIP those files and folders now.

You will find your picture file and your audio file in the temporary folder. That's what the "+ALL MEDIA FILES" part does: it makes a copy of your media files and places it next to your show file.

I checked the TEXTURES folder it created but it's empty but the EFFECTS folder does have a file titled 'Lightened.cfx in it, I went ahead and copied the missing files into the main TEMP folder , where the .BT file is. I also selected everything in that folder and discovered I can create something called a *.rar file, that I have seen others upload. Will that work OK? Will that let the viewers immediately play the show or will they have to download and extract the file first?


If the Texture folder is empty your show does not use textures.

Please respect the copyright rules. Only upload your texture and audio files if you fully own the copyright.

No, the community does not allow you to upload rar files.

Then the SAVE SHOW + ALL MEDIA FILES doesn't include PICTURE or AUDIO files ? I created a Picture Layer and then changed the texture to the *.jpg image I am using so it sounds like I'm not doing something correctly.

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No idea what's happening here. I can only advise to copy the required textures manually to the Textures folder next to the .bt file.

michiel, 7 years ago

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