NextPreviousHomeBixelangelo Key Layout

SMSgtRod | 7 years ago | 2 comments | 1.2K views

Now that I have BA running I guess I'll be a pain over it! LOL

The Keyboard uses Ctrl-Z for Undo and CTRL-Y for Redo.

I like to flip back and forth between Undo & Redo to do comparisons. Using the "Y" is a little cumbersome.

Since it doesn't appear to be used in BA how about Ctrl-X for Redo?

Side by side would make it very easy to flip between the two functions.

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In windows the shortcuts for keyboard are:

Undo = CTRL + Z
Cut = CTRL + X
Copy = CTRL + C
Paste = CTRL + V

In most other programs the shortcut for Redo = CTRL + SHIFT + Z
But CTRL + SHIFT is a very important keyboard combo to render only 1 layer in BluffTitler where also Redo = CTRL + Y.

Use left hand for CTRL and the right with index- and ring finger for Z and Y
OR thumb and middle finger if you feel whimsical.

komies, 7 years ago

Hey komies..... silly me, why should I do with two fingers what two hands and some serious gymnastics will do! LOL

Then too, BT and all my Corel software have un/redo operations available for the mouse.

SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

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