bhp2000 | 7 years ago | 7 comments | 1.7K views
Last week or so I had seen a marvelous example of text riding
on water and then sinking below the waves. It was by "Selina."
In her comments to the video, she mentioned she'd
share how she did it ONCE Bixelangelo 4 was released.
I figured I'd wait to see if I could understand what she did
prior to buying Bix4, because I really liked the effect for a future project.
Bix4 is out but all of her posts etc., are missing. Did she opt out of this forum or was that video etc. deleted?
Thanks, Bob
You know when you try to use a second water layer BluffTitler says "There can be only 1 water layer" (Highlander) well here is the trick.
- Add a water layer and set the properties to your liking (waves, -height, -speed) and place it out of frame (like down)
- Add a picture layer, rotate 90 degrees to make surface, change size to like 4,4,1 and use the special\water.cfx and use the Alphamap_Foam1.png as texture or leave it blank and make it into a blue shade and in the style setting change single sided to flat and now you can go underwater with the camera.
- Add text, change text and select in the menu Layer "Float on water" and use position to bring the text up into frame.
good luck and experiment with the settings,
You can also use one of the Bixpack 22 templates and start from there.
komies, 7 years ago
bhp2000 (Bob),
Good question,
i also wonder about that.
She had quite a few video's and templates.
I wanted to download a few templates made by her.
good tutorials :-), but nothing..
The only thing that remains is her name mentioned by you for example
and now me.
Looks like she has dissapeared/vanished from this community,forum.
Anyone knows?
Changed her user/nickname?
emef, 7 years ago
Thanks for the tips Komies.
I ended up tweaking one of the templates
and found something that'll work.
Now trying to have water pour over my letters
when it emerges from the deep. '-) Will probably
just add a water splash video over 'em in post.
EMEF...she vanished...
bhp2000, 7 years ago
perhaps Selina account was deleted at Her request?
She was one of the few who uploaded templates,
(she was not the only one but one of the most uploaders)
You can see it in downloads, a big hole where once where downloads.
I am a newbie so to say, and templates are great to learn
I do say and i'm gonna be honest about it.
I see some really cool video's showed here on this community.
But never really a tutorial or how He or She has made it.
I like to see that, i'm still learning so not much to show off
video's and share with others how i did it, so others
can learn from it who are starting with BT which is a really great app.
So many of these show off videos i dont even watch.
Without seeing the inside so to say, theres verry little to
learn from.
Pehaps this is the reason that Selina vanished?
i am not talking about posting questions, these are allways answered with help and support!
thank you the people who help others who have questions!
and need help, like i did (needed help) with the Vertigo/dolly shot!
God bless
emef, 7 years ago
Only Selina knows why...
There are 500+ installer shows for you to learn from
There are 700+ Bixpack shows for you to learn from
There are 1000+ community downloads for you to learn from.
That is 2200+ shows. Just to give you a perspective.
Many of my answers refer to these shows and the User guide and others I try to work out with the O.P.
I can only speak from myself but making a good original show takes time (I'm a tweaker) especially when I want it for others to download because of the copyright and community rules.
The shows I make to share are shows I want to make for myself and or learn from by doing it, like making a show or working on a concept.
I for instance, posted less this year because of Selina.
BluffTitler is a very versatile piece of software and it would be impossible to make all the shows that people need to have exactly as they want it, therefore you make it yourself. If you get stuck than ask it here in the community so others can learn also from it.
You learn the most by doing it and experiment with settings and effects. Get inspiration from the show-offs and try to figure out how they might have done it by using the User guide, the search option and just asking the O.P. on this community.
Also dissecting one of the 2200+ shows that has a possible solution or just for learning purpose by using Shift + CTRL arrow up/down through the layers is a great way.
With time and effort you also will be able to watch a show-off or movie trailer and think: This can be done in Blufftitler and I have an idea how.
Good luck on your journey,
komies, 7 years ago
I have been debating the purchase of Bixelangelo 4. Don't know as I want another software to learn when I haven't gotten comfortable with BT.....
But now I have coupled graphics from CorelDraw in to BT, with a green background. Pulled the BT in to my video editor and by using the chroma key over laid the BT on a video. It looked very good.
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago