bhp2000 | 7 years ago | 9 comments | 6 likes | 1.5K views
Dani, liuyongcai, SMSgtRod and 3 others like this!
After having received some help from this forum on using the tunnel show,
I was able encorporate this Political TV Ad in my mix of ads for a candidate in Pennsylvania.
It looses a bit in quality shrunk to 1280/720 and YouTube but you'll get the idea.
MANY THANKS to all who gave me a clearer understanding and of course to the
creators of Bluff!
I ALSO DID another using the WATER filters, which I'll post next just for the heck of it.
The ads were well received by the client and community... '-)
Thanks you all, Bob
Great Job!!
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
thanks for the kudos but more importantly,
this software and your collective advice and help!
appreciated, bob
bhp2000, 7 years ago
Thank you Sma and Ulli, appreciated!
Had to do 6 TV ads and because
of Bluff, was able to portray typical
political scenarios in a very un-typical fashion.
They were well received by the public. '-)
bhp2000, 7 years ago
Happy to report Candidate won re-election last night.
Thanks again to all for your help learning how to use the tunnel! '-)
bhp2000, 7 years ago
Thanks Dani
bhp2000, 7 years ago