bhp2000 | 7 years ago | 8 comments | 9 likes | 1.5K views
Dani, vincent, SMSgtRod and 6 others like this!
Here's the 2nd ad that had been done by using Bluff.
Again, thank you ALL. '-)
Best regards, Bob

Very nice and original work Bob

vincent, 7 years ago
Very effective,
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
These are 2 very good ads. Thank you for showing your work in this community!

michiel, 7 years ago
thanks for the kudos but more importantly,
this software and your collective advice and help!
appreciated, bob
bhp2000, 7 years ago
A very nice review of artists' creations... by BT

Sma, 7 years ago
Lovely and wonderful......bhp2000

Sma, 7 years ago
Looks great...

Dani, 7 years ago
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