bhp2000 | 7 years ago | 6 comments | 1.8K views
New here and having tested the software just purchased the Ultimate. What a fine piece of work! I can see a myriad of uses in my production biz.
While experimenting with the tunnel, I'm using a closed style tunnel and would love to add some text on the entry floor area (see attached) and as we start moving slowly, the text MOVES WITH the floor toward us out of the frame.
I made a sample tunnel and tried adding this text to move via keyframes in Proshow Producer but no matter how I try, there's no way to match the speed of the floor so it looks like this text is part of the floor area.
With that said, I tried adding text in a text layer in BT but again, couldn't get it to match and move with the slow acceleration start. Tried researching if it could be done in the help area but no luck.
I've put inverted text on the .png being used but it of course keeps repeating in the tunnel, which I don't want.
This may not be possible or anything for that matter INSIDE the tunnel but thought I'd ask.
Again, great work! Love the software!
Best regards, Bob
Have you already tried to add the text to the texture of the tunnel.
Select the layer that is rendering the tunnel and choose MEDIA > CHANGE TEXTURE... to change the texture.
The texture can be created in any paint app. Use the TEXTURE POSITION and TEXTURE SIZE properties for fine tuning.
michiel, 7 years ago
Yes, I tried adding the text to graphic being used but that simply repeats it indefinitely throughout the tunnel. If I add a text layer it won't appear inside.
I kind of thought this was probably not possible to do but thought I'd ask.
I may not be replying further until tomorrow. Thanks for the thoughts...Bob
bhp2000, 7 years ago
Good morning,
Do what you want to do with the tunnel, when finished clone the active layer.
Change the texture with a transparant picture (png) with the text with alot of transparant space around it. Then use transparancy as soon as then text is off screen.
Use the TEXTURE POSITION and TEXTURE SIZE properties for fine tuning as Michiel suggested.
Use Effects\Special\UVModifier.cfx for even more control.
komies, 7 years ago
Just reading your thoughts on this and it certainly sounds logical. I will give that a try shortly and I thank you for the inspired idea! I'll post after experimenting.... Thanks!
bhp2000, 7 years ago
There are always more than one way to do things to get a similair result.
here is an other way:
Don't animate the tunnel and (cloned) text, but animate the camera layer.
komies, 7 years ago