NextPreviousHomeWhere are the DEMO shows hiding ???

MrGruntHunter | 7 years ago | 2 comments | 1.6K views

After the last two upgrades I can no longer find the demo shows. Of the 25 folders in:
Outerspace Software/Blufftitler/Media/Shows/
only 8 of the folders have anything in them and even much is missing in those. When I go to 'HELP' and then 'DEMO' I have many shows playing and can see the path displayed where they are supposed to be located but when I go there the folder is empty. Are all of those 'DEMO' shows now hidden?

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MrGruntHunter they are not hidden on my computer but are placed here :
(Disk Letter).\Outerspace Software\BluffTitler13\Media\Shows
difference is BluffTitler13 not BluffTitler but maybe you changed location during installation?!

vincent, 7 years ago

Well Selina, This has been a weird experience! I did what you suggested by clicking on 'PERSONAL' and then when I clicked back on 'APP' all of the DEMO shows are showing up again. Puzzling because that is all I did. Crazy Windows 10 ! LOL Thanks for the reply because that got me to do what I did and it seems to have worked.
Thank you as well Vincent.

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

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