NextPreviousHomeMontaña Rusa

Markruz | 7 years ago | 3 comments | 9 likes | 2.4K views

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Great use of the roller coaster demo track. I love the yellow dots on the rails!

The development of the track editor is going well. Goal is to create an editor that can be used to create:
-handwritten sketches
-roller coasters
-flight paths

Editor is fully 3D. Bezier control points and tangents can be edited in realtime.

To make it easier to use, it will also feature a system to add standard elements like loopings, cork screws, dive turns, cobra rolls and hammer head turns. BluffTitler show files are generated to get you started.

Montaña Rusa literally means Russian mountain, right? Interesting name, I wonder about the Russian connection.

The Dutch name is "achtbaan", which translates to "eight track". This refers to the shape of the number 8.

michiel, 7 years ago

Great update notes

komies, 7 years ago

Great news michiel!!!! (In France we use 'Montagnes russes' too)
The concept of "Montagnes russes" comes from sleds races on hills of snow particulary around from Saint-Petersburg (Wikipédia)

vincent, 7 years ago

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