Filip | 9 years ago | 3 comments | 2.0K views
Will it in a future release be possible to export a part of the show to a model (.x)?
Are there smart ways to use multiple eps files as one in a simple way.
The use of a sketch as sub containers is not always a solution. Since subcontainers are no possibility. I'm looking to an other solution.
I've made a "Boterham met hagelslag" (link). I want to make it double and put it in a bread bin. But it's verry dificult to move or rotate all in the same way.
Yes, that would be nice. Exporting as a 3D model is already on our 2DO list!
Realize that you can also move all layers by moving the camera layer.
michiel, 9 years ago
Many thanks for sharing and explaining as well.
Eddy, 9 years ago
Thnx Michiel.
Sometimes the cameralayer is no enough. But in the meantime we'll try.
Filip, 9 years ago