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MrGruntHunter | 9 years ago | 2 comments | 1.2K views

I have been playing with the file that is included with BluffTitler 12 and tried changing the text on Layer 07 from "Blufftitler" to the word " COMMENT ". The problem I am having is that the letters in COMMENT aren't spaced correctly and I'm trying to place them closer together. I have tried 'SPACING' and 'KERNING' but when I try adjusting the sliders the letters don't close up uniformly, they want to 'scrunch up' more on both ends etc. I also tried SPACE WIDTH but it didn't seem to do anything. I would like to use this file as part an outro for my videos. What is controlling the spacing of the letters and can I change it?

The file appears in the BluffTitler, Media, Shows, Test folder

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Spacing is the correct one.

But because Flexibility setting isn't set to zero and this will animate the spacing setting like the falling of the letters.

Solution: Select "all keys" and then change the spacing.


komies, 9 years ago

Ahhhh .... That worked komies. I didn't understand what 'Flexibility' was for AND, I never realized what to do with 'Select All Keys' was for. That alone was a big lesson to learn. Many thanks for the reply!

MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago

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