Jeep35 | 9 years ago | 2 comments | 1.3K views
1- I can't have any effect of transparency on texts displayed as dynamic content. I'd have liked to make a fade effect between screens.
2- the 2:1 ratio for 3D display has no effect and the screen is not separated in 2 whatever the pupil distance. The text remains centered.
No, this is not possible in the current version.
Sounds like you're building a digital signage player. Can you tell us a bit more about your project?
michiel, 9 years ago
As said in an other thread, I'm not really trying a digital signage player. I'm trying to create credits files in 3D to be imported as video files in a global show.
However, the idea of a digital signage player may be of interest with dynamic contents. I'll try and will come back to give my feedback.
Here is my first part of credits I'm working on.
Jeep35, 9 years ago
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