MrGruntHunter | 9 years ago | 5 comments | 1.7K views
I have the BIXPACK 1 and am wanting to copy the PLASMA SCREEN (picture) from Template 3 and place it in Template 6. Is that possible? I tried adding a picture layer in Template 6 but I can't seem to make it show up on top of the background, even if I go to very large position numbers. Is it even possible to save bits and pieces of templates to mix with other templates?
A plasma layer can be saved as a preset: choose PRESET > SAVE PRESET AS...
Next time you add a plasma layer (or choose PRESET > LOAD PRESET...) your own preset is in the list!
michiel, 9 years ago
And shows can be merged with CONTROL M.
After a merge, be sure to delete the layers you don't want. This typically includes the double camera and light layers.
michiel, 9 years ago
Thank you Michiel, I greatly appreciate your reply.
BTW; Was just looking over your new Valentine BIXPACK and wondering what other BIXPACK themes you might have in the works or thinking about :-) I like the virtual reality type templates in BIXPACK 1 and others around I see that look like newsrooms etc.
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
I tried saving the Plasma Screen layer as a PRESET and it seemed to work fine, except what I load the other BIXPACK template and select PRESET 'load' it doesn't show up. I see two presets titled "B". I think my preset was saved in a different location. I had to use the default as I wasn't given an option as where to save it. Should I go find where got saved to then copy and paste it into a specific folder, and if so, Which folder?
Ahhhhhh ... disregard. I copied and pasted it into the proper folder and also realized I needed to create a 'picture' layer to attach it to. I tried backing it up to one of the posts to make it look like it was hanging on something. Now if I can only get the camera to zoom squarely into it it should work like template 3 in BIXPACK 1
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
Yes, plasma layers can be attached to picture layers. But they don't have to: when you choose LAYER > ADD LAYER > ADD PLASMA LAYER the plasma layer is fully independent and not attached to any other layer.
When you choose PRESET > LOAD PRESET... only the presets with the same layer type of the active layer are displayed. Attached layers are treated as a different type.
Zooming in on a picture layer is easy: you only have to adjust the POSITION and ROTATION properties of the camera layer. A good trick is to copy those values from the picture layer and do a few steps back by selecting the POSITION prop of the camera layer, richt clicking in the render window and moving your mouse down while holding down the right mouse button.
michiel, 9 years ago
Dell PC WINDOWS 10 PRO, 64-bit, Ver:1607, OS BLD: 14393.1066
INTEL Core: i7-4790, CPU @3.60 GHz, Instld RAM:16.0 GB
GeForce GTX 745, Driver ver: 376.53, Tot avail grap: 12225 MB, Ded vid mem: 4096 MB DDR3
Shared Sys Mem: 8159 MB, DirectX Runtime Ver:12.0
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