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MrGruntHunter | 9 years ago | 4 comments | 1.7K views

I created an intro for a friend of mine using show 6 from BixPack 1 and posted it on YouTube. I just received a comment on it but don't understand the language. Could someone please translate the following comment I received. Right now I don't whether it's good or bad :-)

Un comentario nuevo en tu vídeo
RC Name Change_03

estimado amigo, leyendo por ahi, encontre que tenia problemas con el audio en algunos show de blufftitler. yo tambien los tengo. tengo los code pack 11 instalados. la solucion es cambiar el formato
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Why you don't use a translation app? It will give you a result like the text below:

"A new comment in your video
RC Yam Change_03

dear friend, reading round there, I thought that there are problems with the audio in some blufftitler shows. I also have them. I have the code pack 11 installed. the solution is to change the format

( To answer
To see all the comments
The YouTube comments count with the technology of Google + More information
I want to dismiss myself of these post office.)"

kayserhans, 9 years ago

MrGruntHunter, Here's a link to my favorite translator.

IntroChamp, 9 years ago

Thank you guys. I'm sorry but I didn't know about any translation applications. I will definitely look into them. Greatly appreciated.

Thanks for translating kayserhans, I'm not sure I understand the last part of his comment though :-)

MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago

What a fantastic web site. Thank you so much for posting the link for me. Now I can send email to my Slovak wife in her native language and even learn how to speak it as well :-)
I hope I can do something for you sometime.

MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago

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