NextPreviousHomePicture in Cylinder Form - Different cross-section (profile)

Designfactory | 9 years ago | 4 comments | 1.4K views

Hello Michiel and Team,

I created with the picture - cylinder form function a very good looking can deodorant (really interesting and easy, not to have to create a 3d Model, but using a picture graphic instead).

If the can is in the middle of the scene, everything is and looking fine. But when I put it to the left or right side, it seem to become a different cross-section. Looking more like an oval profile, not a circle on.

What can be the reason for? I tried to look for possibilities to adjust with other functions, but I could`n`t find something.

Best regards,

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This effect is due to the perspective projection.

You can make it less extreme by using a smaller field of view: use the FIELD OF VIEW property of the camera layer.

By using the PARALLEL PROJECTION (1st dropdown below the textbox in the camera layer) the effect is gone, but this way objects don't get smaller if they are further away from the camera, which looks even stranger.

michiel, 9 years ago

Here's a Wikipedia page about perspective distortion:

michiel, 9 years ago

Thank you, Michiel


First I tried also to change the camera (Begin: Perspective Projection) and the further key with "Parallel Projection" in order to change it during the show. But I couldn´t chose both perspectives in one show.. Is this right or did I made a mistake?

Designfactory, 9 years ago

This is right. The text (the textbox) and the layers styles (the 3 dropdowns below the textbox) are never animated.

michiel, 9 years ago

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