Per | 16 years ago | 5 comments | 2.8K views
Assume I have some multi line text "The quick brown fox jumped over etc"
What is the easiest way to get the text to apepar a word at a time, ie first "the" then "quick" then "brown".
The words already in will of course remain, so the screen will show first "The" then "The quick" then it will show "The quick brown" etc.
Using the "writer" ability doesn't seem to be it, since it does a wipe over the letters and doesn't make words appear once at a time.
You can do that by creating 2 keys close to each other (about 200 milliseconds), setting the FLEXIBILITY property of both keys to (2,0,-1) and by animating the TRANSPARENCY property from 1 to 0.
More info about the FLEXIBILITY property can be found here:
michiel, 16 years ago
Use the writer effect but set the animation to "No Animation".
Then space out the keyframes to set the speed for when the words need to appear.
kf_daddy, 16 years ago
Sounds like kf_daddys version is easier (though easy is not necessarily how i would describe this procedure ;)
Good thing the scripts are text - I can step through the sound in a sound editor and notice start points and then type them into the script in an editor. It had me confused for a moment there that its not enough to just add key frames, there has to be a change of some sort or BT just drops the keyframes.
Per, 16 years ago
Note that instead of using the TRANSPARENCY property, you can also make the text invisible by:
-setting the CHARACTER SCALE to (0,0)
-setting the FONT SIZE to 0
-setting the TEXT SIZE to 0
-setting the TEXT POSITION to (0,0,-100)
-setting the COLOUR property to the background colour
All those effects work great in combination with the flexibility effect.
michiel, 16 years ago
You really want me to try your flexibility effect, eh? :)
Per, 16 years ago