NextPreviousHomeplay show, browse show, etc

Dick | 16 years ago | 3 comments | 1 like | 2.9K views

Pierre-k likes this!

When I play or save a show from this site, it comes up with a menu of items: play show, browse shows, next show, etc. Is there some way to just download the show itself w/o the menu?

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This "menu of items" is nothing more or less than a BluffTitler show. When you press F11 (or choose SETTINGS / TOOL WINDOW) you can find out how it's done. For example, the PLAY SHOW button is a picture layer.

You can download and save a show to your harddisk by choosing FILE / SAVE SHOW + ALL MEDIA FILES...

You can do that with any show. With the menu, and with the show that is played after you press the PLAY SHOW button.

michiel, 16 years ago

Is there a way to simply load a show from the gallery directly to Bluff Titler and not just the player? Then you could just save it or view the settings without the multiple steps?

JimH, 16 years ago

The player is BluffTitler. There is no seperate player. The player and the editor are the very same thing.

At any time you can press F11 (or choose SETTINGS / TOOL WINDOW) to hide/display the tool window and in this way turn the player into the editor and the other way round.

michiel, 16 years ago

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