B.Projects | 9 years ago | 5 comments | 2.2K views
Hi Michiel.
This is housed in cfx (effects \ special \ UVMapper.cfx)
and can rotate the textures of a model different faces separately
but seems to have the function Additive (all is transparent)
the possibility of removing the transparent function ???
In (Effects \ V11 \ V11 UVMapper.cfx)
this is correct, no transparency. but it has the function of moving texture regardless per side.
Also I find that missing the following fx
I checked other models with this cfx, and gave no problems of transparency
(Effects \ Special \ UVMapper.cfx)
model (x.) I'm using what I created in CINEMA 4D. This is a Rubik's cube. and this cfx I can use a single model for the 27 pieces of Rubik cube.
in the previous Rubik cube I use had to use 27 different models with different textures movements.
B.Projects, 9 years ago
GradientWipe_colourMap_CartoonMap must be a 3rd party effect.
The other 4 will be converted and included in the next version. This will also introduce a RubiksCube effect that works with a single picture layer.
michiel, 9 years ago
It would be great to create that effect Rubik cube.
I checked an old vesion Rubik cube (model x.) and this works perfectly, perhaps I made a mistake in CINEMA 4D.
I really like this effect anyway Michiel uvmapper.cfx.
gradientWipe_colourMap_CartoonMap this came about in the version 11
B.Projects, 9 years ago
Your GradientWipe_colourMap_CartoonMap.fx file does the exact same thing as GradientWipe.fx. Only the description differs: "gray" instead of "grey". GradientWipe has not yet been converted so we will add this one to the list as well.
For new projects use the new Filters/GradientWipe effect.
michiel, 9 years ago