JimH | 16 years ago | 5 comments | 3.3K views
Can you attache an existing layer to a new container? Or can you only create new layers after you create the container?
In the current version you can't.
We currently working on functionality to attach existing layers to existing containers. And also to detach layers from containers.
More users have asked for this. I admit, that was an unforgivable omission. Expect a new version within a week. Thanks for your feedback!
michiel, 16 years ago
"More users have asked for this. I admit, that was an unforgivable omission. Expect a new version within a week. Thanks for your feedback!"
What? I have to wait a whole week? :-)
kf_daddy, 16 years ago
Don't feel bad Michiel.... you're doing a great job keeping BT fresh!
JimH, 16 years ago
I agree with Jim.
Animo Michiel! You are doing a great job!!
XarquS, 16 years ago
In version 7.6.1 you can add an existing layer to a container layer by choosing: Layer > Attach Layer > Attach active Layer to a Container...
And you can detach a layer from a container by choosing: Layer > Detach active Layer from Container
michiel, 16 years ago