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Per | 16 years ago | 7 comments | 2.8K views

It would be nice if I could copy a keyframe in one layer, and then past it into another keyframe.

If I have a setup with several coordinates in layer 14, i could like to be able to copy them and paste them into layer 15. Currently this doesn't seem to work, and I have to copy all the numbers to notepad first, and then past them back in.

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That's what presets are for. You can save a keyframe as a preset by choosing the menu item PRESET / SAVE PRESET AS... and load it into another layer by choosing PRESET / LOAD PRESET. When loading a preset all keyframes are adjusted.

Another solution is to clone layer 14 (press the CLONE ACTIVE LAYER button). This way your coordinates are also copied.

Or you could use the container layer to group layer 14 and 15 together. This way you only have to enter the coordinates once in the container layer.

I think it would really help if you could upload some of your projects to this gallery. Your questions make sense, but maybe you are making it too difficult for yourself. For every problem there's an easy, elegant solution.

michiel, 16 years ago

Hm, i think copy and paste would make more sense.

But are you saying preset only saves coordinate? I thought it saved graphics and everything, so that i would totally overwrite another layer if i used that, instead of just setting a few points.

And doesn't clone active layer clone the entire timeline and all keyframes? (not desirable)

I thought the gallery was for showcase, not small bits.

Also I would have to change all graphics to your bixstuff before being able to do that.

Per, 16 years ago

Just tried saving a preset, to see if i could reload on another layer - and when i chose load preset it didn't even show up in the list. So not a way to copy coordinates :)

Per, 16 years ago

The preset dialog only displays presets of the same layer type as the active layer. It would be very strange for example, to be able to load a plasma preset into a particle layer.

michiel, 16 years ago

Not only does it seem to be unnecessarily time consuming, but it doesn't work. It seems to reset all keyframes instead of of just one

Per, 16 years ago

Yes that is right, when loading a preset, all keyframes are adjusted.

michiel, 16 years ago

Then I am somewhat confused as to why you suggested that was a solution to my question about copying and pasting one single keyframe (from one layer to another)

Per, 16 years ago

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