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B.Projects | 9 years ago | 5 comments | 1.6K views

Hi Michiel. in a former job when I open the book, the image that is attached to the first image is inverted.
perhaps by having different values can be the problem?

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This only defines the range that can be set with the slider. 3.14 equals PI and 6.28 2 x PI so the range had been extended from 180 to 360 degrees.

What do you mean with "inverted"? I tried the effect and it looks fine to me.

michiel, 9 years ago

It is thus

B.Projects, 9 years ago

The back of picture layers is mirrored horizontally. Rotate a picture layer with a transparent picture and you will understand why.

The plane2Roll effect accepts a 2nd picture for the back. I think using the same picture as the front, only mirrored gives the result you are looking for.

michiel, 9 years ago

well, I have a job with this cast fx in version 11 and each page are two different textures. when I turned the page once the page was placed back correctly, but now in version 12 the back page is suffering the problem that I am commenting to you.

you can see in this show as the image appears behind the letters backwards

B.Projects, 9 years ago

Issue will be fixed in the next update. Thank you for the report!

michiel, 9 years ago

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