B.Projects | 9 years ago | 5 comments | 1 like | 3.1K views
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Hi Michiel
I found that all the effects of the folder (v11 effects) do not work those who have the characteristic (ReflectiveFloor).
I tested several models (.x) but does not work ReflectiveFloor.
Nor does the reflection on the floor of using (ReflectiveWater).
I can not find the cfx (DOF)
Hi i think V11 folder .cfx are compatibility for old shows (designed in v.11) only, ReflectiveFloor for your x models, pic( all in one) for is the " Mirror Layer' is the answer, try the mirror layer for your ReflectiveFloor for all. below the link explain about mirror layer,, i hope you got the answer. sorry for my English,
Dani, 9 years ago
Bien , como su ingles no es muy bueno pasare a decirlo en español que hasta para mi es mas fácil .
Muchísimas gracias por la solución Dani , desconocía esta herramienta y por lo que veo ahorra el trabajo de poner a cada elemento el fx de reflejo , en este aspecto un gran avance en esta versión 12 .
B.Projects, 9 years ago
Un detalle , leyendo mi anterior comentario parece que no aprecio su esfuerzo por la traducción y nada mas lejos de la realidad , lo aprecio bastante ya que yo no soy ningún experto en el idioma y tengo que usar traductor .
B.Projects, 9 years ago
All the reflective floor effects in the Effects/V11 folder should work fine.
But as Dani pointed out it's better to use the new mirror layer. This does the same as the reflective floor effects, but is much easier to use.
The Effects/V11 folder is only meant to ease importing older shows. For new projects it's best to limit yourself to effects outside the V11 folder.
michiel, 9 years ago