Designfactory | 9 years ago | 4 comments | 1.8K views
Hello again,
I have the problem, that my objects / text does not dance to the music.
In order to see, if I made a mistake, I downloaded your Demo bt´s. The original music was not in the files, so I changed the audio into another mp3 audio file. Also I tried to load a new audio layer (mp3).
But nothing happened. Music yes, but no dancing.
I tested the Demo Spectrumanalyzer 3D and Pounding Speakers. And the fitting effects (Sepectrumanalyzer 3D and Pounding Speakers) to the text layers.
Also I tested next day the 01 Demo Intro and I recognize, that the Text vanishes, as the music starts. To make again the Text visible, I had to set the audio layer to "unvisible".
Further was In the window (Changing Efffects) remarked, that my graphics card is well equipped for the job. I use the integrated HD Graphics Card 4600 from Haswell Intel processor and the BT Pro version.
What could be the reason for this?
Best regards,
Designfactory (Detlev)
Now I tested again with .wav files and it works. But with all .mp3 not. Although in addition I change the standard program in Win 7 / 64 for opening .mp3 files with Blufftitler.
Designfactory, 9 years ago