marcwedge | 9 years ago | 5 comments | 6 likes | 1.7K views

LostBoyz, persiana, vincent and 3 others like this!

Hi / Hola, I am a regular user of BT and have always enjoyed the articles and shows you clever guys post, but as most of the stuff I do has my branding on it makes it difficult to post on I decided to do a silly project that I would down load if I was looking!

With the sad end of Top Gear...I thought this might be amusing, the 'cog' or 'gear' was created using Corel Trace and then ulead cool 3D now called Corel 3D studio to create the 3D model.

The model sadly the model brings the ZIP file over the 500KB limit...but I am happy to email it to anyone who messages me and wants the show.

Hope you like and if the wonderful BT people think I could have a try on the V.12 Beta version...would love to give it a test run ;)

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Nice show. Welcome in this gallery!

Don't worry about your branding, we would love to see your real life examples!

michiel, 9 years ago

Thanks for the offer marcwedge!
I'd love to have this one to add to my arsenal. I'm doing pro-bono work for a non-profit art foundation and this just may be show to help me with my efforts.


maxste, 9 years ago

Thanks for the kind words Michiel...high praise indeed for a BT guru! I will post some others!

Stephen..I have emailed you the show...check your spam folder...just in case your gmail doesn't rate my credibility!

marcwedge, 9 years ago

Super show.

Dani, 9 years ago

Many thanks for sharing!

maxste, 9 years ago

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