John (ProComGer) | 9 years ago | 3 comments | 2 likes | 1.6K views
I don't want to hinder BluffTitler development by asking for SlideShowTool development, but maybe this request will remove some issues.
I don't know if there are other BT users out there who use an offline computer to create videos and other stuff including using BluffTitler animations.
Personally, I've got no problem with using an offline computer for this work except of not being able to use the SlideShowTool offline, because the necessary pictures are located on the offline PC.
My request is, if it was possible to create an offline application of the SlideShowTool in order to use it offline (e. g. if you are travelling and don't have internet connection you could still use the SildeShowTool).
Is this offline tool also needed by someone else?
→ I don't want to hinder BluffTitler development by asking for SlideShowTool development, but maybe this request will remove some issues.
Thanks and ik wens je een hele fijne week
Hi John
I'd be interested too and waits for any idea about this opportunity
Jeep35, 9 years ago
Thanks for your comment, Jean-Pierre!
Merci beaucoup!
John (ProComGer), 9 years ago
I would like to create a program but my math knowledge are not sufficient enough to calculate keys values (positions,rotations) according the parameters selected (Composition, nb of columns, nb of rows, spacing, animate pictures, animate camera).
On the other hand i think formulae could be easily translated from the web application.
vincent, 9 years ago