terrypin | 9 years ago | 7 comments | 1.6K views
Help says
"An Ambient light has no position and no direction, it illuminates everything the same way. The colour of the ambient light determines the background colour of the scene."
But it doesn't appear to illuminate the text in my show? Does it ONLY illuminate the background?
Terry, East Grinstead, UK
Maybe you are using an effect that ignores the ambient light.
Try the Lightened effect.
michiel, 9 years ago
Or maybe your text is black (as set with the COLOUR property)
A black text is always black, no matter how many lights you use.
michiel, 9 years ago
Or maybe your text is red and your light is green.
This will also result in a black text because they do not share a colour component.
A red text with a yellow light works because red is (255,0,0) and yellow (255,255,0). They share the red component.
michiel, 9 years ago
Sorry Michiel, I don't get it. If I start a new show I get Bluff Titler in white text. Moving the top slider of Ambient Light > Light Colour changes the background colour but the text remains white.
That's what I'd have expected until I read the word 'everything' in the Help.
Terry, East Grinstead, UK
terrypin, 9 years ago
Adding a light makes your text brighter.
But if your text is already white, it can't be any brighter so you won't notice any changes when you add a light.
Try setting the LIGHT COLOUR property of the point light layer a bit darker, for example to (100,100,100)
michiel, 9 years ago
But we're discussing the Ambient light colour, not the Point light.
Seems to me that it changes ONLY the background colour?
terrypin, 9 years ago
If your point light already makes your text bright white, there's nothing any other light can add because there's nothing brighter than bright white.
You will start seeing the impact of your ambient light when you dim your point light.
michiel, 9 years ago