John (ProComGer) | 10 years ago | 2 comments | 2 likes | 2.2K views
Have fun with it!
This show includes a few issues I would like to fix:
1. Some particles disappear, because they are behind the z-axis of "-2000"
2. The text (layer 4) damps too hard at the end. I wished there was a possibilty to adjust the strength of the property "damper".
3. I want the text (layer 4) blending smoothly into text (layer 5). The transition should roll from left to right.
4. From sec. 15 to sec. 17 the first text layer damps from transparent to non-transparent.
I don't want any damping here, but I can't disable the property “damping” at a special point.
5. The reflection mapping of text (layer 8) is wrong.
I think, the effect you use in layer 8 expects the reflectionmap in the 2nd texture slot.
You can fix this by choosing MEDIA > CHANGE TEXTURE...
michiel, 10 years ago
Yes. It works! Thanks, Michiel!
John (ProComGer), 10 years ago