Sugref | 12 years ago | 3 comments | 2.1K views
I really like BluffTitler - and admire the very speedy and brilliant way Michiel et al develop it. I'm looking forward to getting to know the latest version.
But it's made me wonder about other possible developments. What do people think about...
...if there could be a way to view more than one property at a time which would make editing very much easier - especially if we could perhaps select which properties would be shown.
...if there could be separate keyframes for each property rather than just one set of keyframes for the whole title. Combined with idea 1, I think this would increase the flexibility of the package and increase the ease with which effects could be aligned or sequenced.
What do you think?
I'm still pretty inexperienced with BT, but I do often find myself wishing for a more flexible interface. For example, when I run one of the clever shows I find here in the Gallery, it's never clear to me WHICH properties are actually contributing in each layer. I'd like some way of seeing this at a glance. At present I step through ALL properties looking for something that isn't 0 or 1, or that changes during the show as I drag the slider.
Terry, East Grinstead, UK
terrypin, 12 years ago
Properties that are being animated have a plus symbol (+) added to their name. This quickly tells you which properties do the trick.
Optionally you can also add a minus sign (-) to properties that have non-default values. This quickly tells you which properties have been touched (but not animated)
Both options can be turned on/off in the SETTINGS > GENERAL OPTIONS dialog.
michiel, 12 years ago
Thanks Michiel - embarrassing to miss those options after all this time!
P.S: Anyone published a comprehensive 'Guide to BT' book yet?
Terry, East Grinstead, UK
terrypin, 12 years ago