NextPreviousHomeWeird behaviour of some exports

terrypin | 12 years ago | 3 comments | 2.1K views

This is an obscure problem on which I'd appreciate some expert advice please.

Some of my recent exports from BT (version 9 yesterday and 10 today) have played fine in all my players, but behaved very strangely in my video editor, Magix Movie Edit Pro.

Here are the two files: (825 KB) (225 KB)

In both cases the end of the clip is cut off, or more accurately its last frames are sort of 'frozen'.

I raised this in the Magix forum and two friends reproduced the issue, and made these comments:
"That is strange Terry. It indicates the full length of the clip in the timeline at 5secs 24frames but repeats the frame at 5secs 14fr nine times.

Stranger - if I zoom the timeline to 1frame I can get 1 more frame to show by mouse clicking the cursor at 5" 16fr or further along.

Can not imagine what is going on there! It is an import thing rather than a display thing because it exports with the repeated frames."


"That video file is seriously weird - not only does it repeat the last 9 frames, but I get a significant slow down in MX, 2013 and VPX 4 [3 different Magix video editors] after trying to step through the last 10 frames ie press an arrow key wait a few of seconds then it moves the cursor ! !

In GSpot the clip analyses OK and plays complete and correct to the end ! !

Also plays complete and correct in WMP and VLC Player.

I have run the AVI through Nero Recode and converted it to mp4 and imported this into MEP 2013 and it is complete and correct right to the end with no lag after playing once."

And as you see I have the same problem again today with Typewriter-1.avi

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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Maybe you can workaround by adding a few extra seconds to your video and cut those off in your video editor.

michiel, 12 years ago

Thanks Michiel. I added 2 secs and exported from BT with same specs as before. MEP still had great trouble with previewing the file, freezing and restarting frequently. But I was happy to find that after exporting it as an MP4, THAT did play OK right through.

It would be good to discover just why MEP alone amongst my players has trouble with these files. I'm hoping I'll get some response from Magix about it, but not holding my breath.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 12 years ago

I know it's not much help, but in the older Magix Video deLuxe17, I cannot reproduce your problem. A fraction of a second before reaching the end-marker, the 'M' is already at its position.

Tjeb, 12 years ago

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