NextPreviousHomeTypewriter effect?

terrypin | 12 years ago | 4 comments | 4.0K views

I'm looking for a typing effect, with each character appearing successively.

My searches have not so far found such an effect. Is there one in the gallery please?

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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there is a typewriter effect.

add a new text an then select - writer.

mrbernd, 12 years ago

To exapnd a little on what mrbernd metioned.

Set the writer property of the text layer to 0. and then create a key at the time when you need the whole text layer to appear and set the writer property to 1.

You will then see the characters appear to be typed between the 2 key times.

I think there is a demo show in the standard installation which demonstrates this feature.

IBMedia, 12 years ago

Thanks both, exactly what I wanted. Never used 'writer' before.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 12 years ago

Haven't found a demo yet. I'm hoping it will show how to add the correctly synchronised typing sound. Although I suppose I could do that in my video editor.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 12 years ago

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