Yousef | 12 years ago | 3 comments | 3 likes | 3.3K views
maitegras, LostBoyz and vincent like this!
The sketch is produced using Mathsketch2. The script is bellow:
outfile = "torus2.EPS"
plot.steps = 37
plot.clones = 20
plot.x = (3 + cos(degree * 10)) * cos(clone_degree * 18)
plot.y = (3 + cos(degree * 10)) * sin(clone_degree *18)
plot.z = sin(degree * 10)
Please share your mathematically produced sketches.
Yousef Rifai
Great to see you have updated your tool!
2 suggestions:
I think it would be cool if Mathsketch could generate a sketch by loading a picture file and selecting a preset effect. For example by loading a picture of a heart and selecting the donut preset you could create this donut, only with hearts instead of circles.
And maybe you can export as 3D model files (like .X). This way the output can not only be used by the model layer of BluffTitler but by all applications that can import 3D models!
michiel, 12 years ago
Thank Michiel for your suggestions. As for the first one you can use mathsketch 2 to generate any sketch if you know the math formula behind it. Having said that it is not easy to work out the math formula behind any sketch you want to generate. I was thinking of extending mathsketch to take an EPS file and draw circles around it or any other sketch, I just need to work the math behind it and I feel if the sketch got too complex with a lot of point I will hit a limit that BT has on sketches whn you display them as round instead of flat, this is why I thought of the MathLayer where one layer get cloned several times but with any attributes like position, size etc changing according to math formula.
As for the second suggestion, it can be generated using Blender where you can convert a curve into a .X file and load it into BT. What wold be great is a plug in to blender that will take an EPS sketch file then convert it to a blender curve. The curve can then be converted to a .X file and get loaded in BT or used by any other program.
Yousef, 12 years ago