NextPreviousHomeMathsketch 2 is available

Yousef | 12 years ago | 5 comments | 4 likes | 4.9K views

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Mathsketch 2 is a free 3d sketch creator. It creates EPS files that can be used with Blufftitler. You can download it from the link bellow. The site contains some examples and instructions on how to use it.

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Hi Yousef,
I have installed Mathsketch 2 but when i launch it i have the following message : Runtime error 1003 Could not load bitmap at line 232.
Thanks in advance for lhelp
Windows XP

vincent, 12 years ago

Thanks Vincent. I have fixed it now. Please try it and tell me how you got on.

Yousef, 12 years ago

I have updated the program, i have no more error, but nothing happens when i load msk file (i have created msk files copying examples on your site.

vincent, 12 years ago

Start the mathsketch2 program and click on the process script button. The dialog box will take you to MyDocument > Mathsketch2 > Scripts choose your script and the EPS file will be generated under MyDocument > Matchsketch2 > Sketch you can then use it in Blufftitler.

Yousef, 12 years ago

Ok Yousef, sketch are created. Thanks

vincent, 12 years ago

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