NextPreviousHomeAdjusting center on a Container

BillyJack | 12 years ago | 6 comments | 1 like | 2.8K views

Carlos Marques likes this!

michiel, is there any way to add a Center Adjustment to a container? Now that we are able to merge shows and the auto collapse, it will be easy to create full shows as elements. Being able to adjust the center of a container instead of having to readjust each sub-layer would be a valuable asset.

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When you move the container (with its POSITION property) all sublayers are automatically moved as well.

This is the basic idea of the container layer.

michiel, 12 years ago

all elements that are within a container, must be in position
0 left right
0 up and down
0 far about

the container is moving on the stage

maitegras, 12 years ago

I have everything centered within the container and can adjust the start pivot point to line up where I want it but like on my chain drives it would be convenient to shift the pivot point of the entire group to align with one side or the other where the gearing is located. Like now I'm building a crane that the boom moves up and down and the base rotates. If I could set the chain drive container pivot point to match the location where it connects to the boom, it would be easier to set the mechanics.

If not, I can move the entire operation to center the gear within the container, I just thought if moving the pivot point was possible it would make it simpler.

BillyJack, 12 years ago

go to - preferences -> (display safe area, but arrows)
go to the layer of the crane
You can now see the arrows directions on the crane.
select tools (center of rotation)
has two kinds of arrows
the large arrows are the position of the object
and the small arrows are the point of rotation of the object.
using, shifters or the mouse you can place the point of rotation where you want

maitegras, 12 years ago

Is there a way to move the PIVOT point of the container in version 15.1?

lightads, 3 years ago

Yes. With the PIVOT POINT property of the container layer.

michiel, 3 years ago

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