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BillyJack | 13 years ago | 4 comments | 2.2K views

Hey Michiel, I've ran across a need to duplicate the actions within a container, but want to change the elements in it. Is there a way to do so without having to select each layer of the new container to make a change? I know I can select "All Layers and All Keys", but that effects all elements of that type through out the show. Example: Let's say a create a star field using 100, 5point EPS stars and put them in a Container. Now I want duplicate that Container, but have this set of 100 as 4point stars that twinkle. As it stands I would have to change EPS files and FX on all 100 of the new Containers layers to make it happen.

The addition of an "Active Container" feature to the "All Layers" and "All Keys" features would be awesome!!!

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Michiel is the guru here, and he will no doubt correct the following statement if it is incorrect.

Because BluffTitler stores the show details in a text file, it would actually be possible to do a search and replace using a normal text editor to achieve most of what you need.

Obviously, you'd make a copy of the original show and work on that rather than the original.

IBMedia, 13 years ago

I never thought about going that route. Thanks IB I'll give it a shot.

BillyJack, 13 years ago

When editing a show with that amount of layers, I don't think an ACTIVE LAYER checkbox will much help. To do it right we need a separate layers tool window. Resizable, scalable, multi-layer selection, context (right button) menu and with drag/drop functionality.

If possible I would love to see a video of your project. This will greatly help understanding your needs.

For the example you give, isn't it possible to use a single particle layer instead of 100 picture layers?

Editing the .bt show file in a text editor is possible if you want.

And if you know a bit of coding you can also create a script that generates the hundreds of layers for you. An example of this technique is this video wall:

michiel, 13 years ago

The example I gave using the 5 and 4 point stars was just a simple example to try and explain what I'm looking to be able to do. The actual project I'm working on is a set of gears and chain drive. I uploaded a sample show to demonstrate what I'm talking about.

BillyJack, 13 years ago

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