NextPreviousHomeCan these be added to BulffTitler?

BillyJack | 13 years ago | 5 comments | 3 likes | 2.8K views

Per, alxtronics and IBMedia like this!

Hey Michiel, is there anyway in a future update we can make it so you can collapse a container layer? Right now I'm working on a chain drive and all the links are in one container. The content of the contain is already 2 pages long and I'm only half done with it. If I could collapse it when I'm done, it'd sure make working with the rest of show a lot easier.

Another thing that would be really handy is the ability to select multiple key markers so you could copy or move several all at once.

Just some ideas to ponder!

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Very good suggestions

IBMedia, 13 years ago

Good idea

Per, 13 years ago

Good idea. I was working in a very huge animation two days ago, and was thinking about the ability of selecting, copying and pasting several keyframes at once.

It also would be nice to have a zoom control on the timeline for quickly moving keyframes precisely with the mouse pointer.


alxtronics, 13 years ago

Even just moving the 2 rows of the timeline down onto their own row, where they could be full-width, would help a little - probably without too much programming effort.

Also allowing the settings dialog box to be resized would help a little too.

IBMedia, 13 years ago

Thank you for your suggestions!

michiel, 13 years ago

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