Bansaw | 13 years ago | 7 comments | 2.4K views
I have Bluff titler version 8.0.7.
I am using the teletype deature on my textlayer. If I just want flat text and take off the bevels , the text appears to be blocky. Even with the bevel it looks slightly blocky.
I am viewing it at High Resolution, and exporting at maximum quality. (I am using Arial Black, but its the same with the other fonts too).
Am I missing something? Is there anyway to make the text have a smooth outline?
As I recall, when I asked about that, they told me I had a crap graphics card.
Per, 13 years ago
thanks. I bought a laptop specifically with video/graphics in mind. I have the ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5145.
ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 5145 GPU Specifications
Bansaw, 13 years ago
Make sure the video is exported in a high resolution. This is not the same as viewing it at a high resolution. You can set the output resolution with the menu item FILE > SET SHOW RESOLUTION.
Also make sure you export with a high antialiasing quality. You can set this quality in the FILE > EXPORT AS MOVIE dialog.
And yes, you need a graphics card with lots of video memory for good quality antialiasing. For HD you need at least 1 GB of video memory.
michiel, 13 years ago
Sorry, still having blocky font problems. I am using Arial Black. I tired the show resolution, and under SETTINGS, changed it to High Quality.
Also exported with maximum quality , shader AA super HQ
Bansaw, 13 years ago
What does the line starting with "AA quality" say in the dialog that is displayed after you have exported a picture or movie?
michiel, 13 years ago
here's an example of the output and the AA shader parameter:
Bansaw, 13 years ago
Export dialog looks good. 16 samples per pixels is enough to eliminate all blockiness (jaggies). You have not included a screenshow of the output. Can you confirm that the output looks good?
Since you have exported with transparency info (32 bits) you need a player or NLE that can correctly handle transparency. For antialiasing testing I think it's better to turn transparency off.
michiel, 13 years ago