A problem of normals, may be...
is it a two sided faces model?
sebouze, 13 years ago
It was a sketchup model but I have never had on do this before. It seems like anywhere I move the light or add lights nothing makes any difference.
rudemartini, 13 years ago
selected, the camera layer, primary
after .capa / add layer / add light to the active layer
another thing you can do. is to increase the specularity of the model.
maitegras, 13 years ago
a sample of my current vehicle
model, downloaded from the gallery of google SketchUp.
maitegras, 13 years ago
What does this mean :"after .capa"
rudemartini, 13 years ago
Nice! How are you getting the paint to be glossy and reflective?
rudemartini, 13 years ago
Thanks Ill take a look
rudemartini, 13 years ago
How did you export your model from sketchup?
I use the sketchup plug in "3d rad" & i export as a generic directx model with back faces...
sebouze, 13 years ago
if you can export directly
The following link Rudemartini, reveals the solution
maitegras, 13 years ago