sebouze | 13 years ago | 5 comments | 1 like | 2.6K views
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i'm still trying to do something taht i can't...
I would like to apply a texture to a text. But the texture applies to each lettre. So if I have a text with 10 letters, I have 10x the same texture on each. I would like to have the texture only one time from the first letter to the last one.
Is it possible?
something like this, but with a text layer
sebouze, 13 years ago
You can apply the effect Masked.fx
Bragina, 13 years ago
Thanks, i have seen this Fx , but that's not exactly what i expect. If i put the masked fx, the text is not maped whith the texture.... It's only like a 2d mask, and if the text moves, the texture doesn't follow it.
sebouze, 13 years ago
Well, I only know one way to do this.
if your goal is to obtain a 3D text with different texture on each letter.
this is the solution.
You must be vectorised text (SAF concept) into a single vector.
This can be done as follows.
png image you used for the project must be made in a resolution of 300x300 pixels.
then take the program (Font creator) introdusca image inside. and then install the font on your pc.
BluffTitler open, and seek new source seleccone this new text and add texture
maitegras, 13 years ago
I would clone the text layer, remove the texture in the cloned layer and use the WRITER property to make the textured layer only render the 1st character and the non-textured layer all the others.
michiel, 13 years ago