sebouze | 13 years ago | 5 comments | 4 likes | 3.7K views
xlogold, LostBoyz, agpvn and 1 other like this!
that's the end of the next article.
I finally found how to make a big black outline
so i put the file if some of you want to understand...
We can also use the red outline, and change the "not lightened additive.fx" for the "not lightened substractive.fx" and turn the color to white...
sebouze, 13 years ago
Sorry i thought it was in the Zip file... ;-)
sebouze, 13 years ago
sebouze, to prevent copyright problems I had to remove it from the zip file. Please only upload uncopyrighted material that you have created yourself:
michiel, 13 years ago
OK, i thought this font was free...
sebouze, 13 years ago