frankch | 13 years ago | 5 comments | 2.0K views
Hello michiel,
did you ever think about making it possible to use the effects dialog for a container? It would be very helpful to add a reflecting floor to a whole container. Sure, I can add reflecting floor to each element of a layer...
There are some conceptual and practical issues, but yes, applying FXs to containers can be useful. Thank you for your feature request!
michiel, 13 years ago
Yes it would be very usefull!
sebouze, 13 years ago
I think it would also be interresting to have the possibility to place a container in an other container... To have groups and "sub groups".
sebouze, 13 years ago
That is something I doubt to dream about ;-), but adding an effect to an existing layer should not be as difficult as creating subcontainer and subsubcontainer.
frankch, 13 years ago
As we say in French:
Ca ne coute rien de demander... !
sebouze, 13 years ago