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sebouze | 13 years ago | 3 comments | 7 likes | 4.0K views

Didikong, Carlos Marques, LostBoyz and 4 others like this!

I was trying to have a kind of plastic reflexion texture.
I tryed many textures, reflections & colors for the text layers...
I think the better result is got with a DDS texture that have the color of the text, and keep the color white.

I ordered bixorama & y tryed to make such DDS textures. here is my result.
You can use the textures. I made them with GIMP & Bixorama

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when it moves, with a benderDDS.fx

sebouze, 13 years ago

I made a pack of 19 DSS textures for plastic like reflexions, with different colors.
It works quite good on curved surfaces (bender fx or bid bevel text & EPS.) but the result is realy bad on flat surfaces... You will probably have to play with the reflexion rotation parameter or the specularity parameter ta have a nice render.


sebouze, 13 years ago

please i need your pack for my show can you give me? please

julio solano, 10 years ago

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