michiel | 18 years ago | 9 comments | 5 likes | 11.1K views
hgkhk, Jenny, abcodie and 2 others like this!
Thanks to Sander for the texture!
Hallo Sander, Danke fr die Texture. Sie ist Klasse. Statt der Farbe grn wnsche ich mir ein Schwarz-grau oder hnliches, damit es aussieht, wie ein schwarzes Loch im All. Ist das mglich?
Gru hgkhk
hgkhk, 18 years ago
Hi Sander,
Thanks for the Texture. It's class. Instead of of the color green wishes I me a black-grey or similar, make it look like a black hole in the all. Is that possible?
Greeting hgkhk
hgkhk, 18 years ago
I advise you to take a look at the texture to see how it's done. You can use a paint program, like Photoshop or Paint Shop to edit the colours of the texture.
michiel, 18 years ago
Thank you, michiel
hgkhk, 18 years ago
Nice Tunnel fx, it really sucks...I mean It really sucks you into the void ;)
Tukkermando, 17 years ago
Thanks...it feels like its coming right at you
jolyblon, 17 years ago
One of the best show I ever seen!
Luke Skywalker, 15 years ago
Hi, can i just know how you made this? Plz reply!
Louis1, 14 years ago
Louis1, when you press F11 (or choose SETTINGS > TOOL WINDOW) you can see how it's done.
Choose FILE > SAVE SHOW + ALL MEDIA FILES to download everything to your harddisk.
michiel, 14 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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