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maitegras | 13 years ago | 3 comments | 1 like | 2.9K views

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hi michiel
I need a change in the editor of BluffTitler.
I like a lot, when I select (all keys) to move all the keys at the same time when I drag one of them with the mouse.
This can be done in sony vegas and other programs.
the truth which saves lot of time when we want to duplicate a layer and give the same motion, but later.
the ideal would be to select the keys to tread any key on the keyboard while you select the keys that we want to move.

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Hi Michiel, hi Maitegras,
I'm absolute agree, it saves a lot of time when its possible to move all keys from one layer at once. Mayby it is possible to klick one key (highlight it) and press Ctrl and highlight the other ones and move all together at once. Its maybe similar as when you select pictures in Adobe or Windows.
regards orlando

orlando, 13 years ago

Isn't it possible to loop the show and use the XML feature to load new content for every loop? This way you do not have to clone layers and move keys, but instead you reuse the same layer.

If you do not want to use XML files you can split your show into smaller shows and mix them in your NLE.

michiel, 13 years ago

This system is well Michiel, but always see the same animation, I have previously used the expression (dir:).
although this is always the same animation.
The idea is to duplicate the layer container, and then move all your keys forward, with some variation of the animation could also be an animation blend into the next, this result gives a better view to work.
I have no hurry for this change in the editor Michiel, but if it is possible to achieve this would be wonderful.

maitegras, 13 years ago

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