frankch | 13 years ago | 7 comments | 2.9K views
how do I control the start of a video layer, which is integrated as part of a whole blufftitler video like a news film as part of a newscast? The news film should beginn at the moment I change the transparency of the video layer from 1 to 0 and not begin at the beginning of the blufftitler show.
Videos always start playing at the start of the show.
I advise you not to use the video layer, but instead export your show with transparency info and do the mixing in your NLE.
michiel, 13 years ago
Hi michiel, Many Times I can't understand your policy,
Why not start/stop the videos at a special moment?
It is very easy for programmers like you and your group.
Or why not export sounds?
and many many ???? like these that make your software more powerful and user friendly.
SamSaam, 13 years ago
Thanks for your quick answer!
The tip about transparency sometimes can help, but if you apply effects or changing perperpectives to the video layer it is hard to get two programms combinated.
If it is hard to develop, that a start stop control in Blufftitler can be used, eventually a time offset slider setting can be integrated easier? So the video could play in the background in an endless loop with a negative offset as start position.
frankch, 13 years ago
You may consider splitting your show up into different parts with the one part in the middle being that part where you want the video to start. Then in your NLE simple stitch the BT videos together. Of course if you are using any of the smooth curve motion paths, you'll end up with a pause where you may not want it.
JimH, 13 years ago
This resistance to introducing a simple 'start/stop' flag - or at least the ability to only start a video playing when it's transparency is above zero - is one of the strangest parts of an otherwise superlative product...
Simple manipulation of video *within* BT can often times be *much* more effective (and much more desirable as a product) than doing it after export in an NLE. But at the moment it's almost impossible without the very easy introduction of a check on the video layer.
"if video layer transparency < 100 start playing video"
That's literally all that's needed to multiply the video-layer's usefulness 10-fold.
Sorry to say, Michiel, but you/your company's stance on this particular area (almost 2-years on from previous requests) still seems poorly thought through.
viddy, 13 years ago
Michiel, is there any chance, that such a function could be realized or are there technical issues with a video sync function? It seems, that I started a heavy discussion with my article...
I would really love it, since three days, I try to export an animation to a NLE, but without success / good results.
frankch, 13 years ago
I wish the same feature for sound manipulation IN Bluff Titler.
asterix, 13 years ago